martes, 21 de julio de 2009

Internet globalization and marketing

Internet has come to complete the computerization process that is being developed for decades, giving birth to a new era, the Digital. The digital revolution has allowed for a single channel. we can send text, picture and sound at the speed of light. But the biggest revolution the Internet has brought, especially with its popularity in recent years, which has finished removing the last frontiers of communication. This has meant that the culture of different countries are equal and converge towards a common culture, a mass culture.
As a result of this revolution, the newspapers and the gorements had lost the monopoly of information, today every pearson can report to all over the world, every institution, business, cultural or political, has its own media. Today, in the era of Internt, each of us can become a vehicle of information.
in this context rise a new tool for the companies a tool that apels to a mass culture here is an article that talks aboput international marketing that is an other concecuence of the globalization the article show some numbers like that only 6% of the companies in the survey will reduce his online marketing budget this fact tell us that online marketing seems to be very effective at least from the businesses point of view besides this 62% of the companies will increase the same budget for the next year.
The most popular thing for the online marketing are search engines banners and mails Google reports that the advertising in his portal have increase in 40 % in the last 2 years but a recent study from an international consultant shows that in the near future the most powerful marketing tools on the internet will be the social nets as face book or hi5 and a new tool developed in the past 2 years youtube the article predicts very well that YouTube will be use for political issues and now in the past presidential elections in the US and even in the midterm elections on Mexico we all reedy see that.

in the near future online marketing will be a powerful tool in the future as personal experience in the past Mexican election (midterm) when you go into YouTube’s site like in the Google site in the right side of the window you can see political advertisement so the online marketing it’s not a Sci-Fi picture it’s a reality and for better or worst it’s alredy here inda will stay more than enytig because of the low price and fast time lunching and more important than that the volume of people that you can touch, the most viwed youtube’s video its about 7 million visitors and it’s about the 80% of the population of our capital city and guess what it’s for free.

here is the link for two article one talks about internet and globalization and the other one talks about the marketing in the internet:



2 comentarios:

luis dijo...

well they are right abour everything maybe a little of exageration but thre's a reality that i some countries globalization is more a problem than a solution

carlos.s dijo...

yes luis is right because we have for example the case of vietnam where multinational companies pay them less than a dollar per day

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